《All Points Bulletin》(簡稱 APB)是由《俠盜獵車手》(GTA)之父 David Jones 自立門戶創辦的新工作室 Real Time Worlds(RTW)所開發的線上遊戲,近日釋出一部新的劇情影片,故事性的簡介 San Paro(聖帕羅市,遊戲中虛擬城市)的現狀。
遊戲中故事發生在一個名為 San Paro 的虛擬城市,角色分為正邪兩個陣營,玩家首先必須作出抉擇:是成為一位守護正義與公平的警員,還是作為幫派分子挑戰法律與對手。不過不論你是選擇哪一種,都需要透過不斷的戰鬥來獲得城市混亂地區的控制權。
《APB》中融入了很多《GTA》(俠盜獵車手)的概念,比如可以隨便攻擊路上的 NPC、搶路上的車…等,高自由度方面和《GTA》一模一樣。但這僅僅代表遊戲的概念像,並不是說遊戲性也像。《APB》在遊戲性上更像是 XBOX 的遊戲《除暴戰警》(Crackdown),而玩家將以第三人稱視角來進行遊戲。
Minimum PC requirements released for All Points Bulletin MMO
If you’ve been following the progress of Realtime
Worlds’ online game All Points Bulletin
(APB) with anticipation, today you can find out whether your PC will actually ba capable of running it.
Realtime has released the minimum specification you will need for APB, which includes:
Although they are quite modest specs, I suspect the 3GB RAM requirement may be an issue for some. If you upgraded a Win XP machine to Windows 7, for example, chances are you have 2GB of memory. But saying that, a memory upgrade is one of the cheapest things to do.
If you missed the APB preview video
Realtime released in March you can watch it below:
As revealed at the end of April, APB is expected to release on June 29th and will cost $49.99 with 50 hours of playtime. Additional playtime can be bought for between $6.99-$9.99.